AMN 37,1 Tentative Meteorite Pairings

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Home Antarctic MeteoritesAntarctic Meteorite NewslettersAMN 37,1 Tentative Meteorite Pairings
Volume 37 No. 2 – September 2014

Table 3. Tentative Pairing for New Meteorites

Table 3 summarizes possible pairings of the new specimens with each other and with previously classified specimens based on descriptive data in this newsletter issue. Readers who desire a more comprehensive review of the meteorite pairings in the U.S. Antarctic collection should refer to the compilation provided by Dr. E. R. D. Scott, as published in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter vol. 9 (no. 2) (June 1986). Possible pairings were updated in Meteoritical Bulletins 76, 79, 82 through 102, which are available online from the Meteoritical Society webpage.


MIL 11154, MIL 11157, MIL 11237, and MIL 11252 with MIL 11069

MIL 11019, MIL 11050, MIL 11051, MIL 11055, MIL 11057, MIL 11061, MIL 11063, MIL 11110, MIL 11116, MIL 11118, MIL 11119, MIL 11120, MIL 11121, MIL11124, MIL 11140, MIL11147, MIL 11150, MIL 11152, MIL 11261 and MIL 11293 with MIL 07099